Based on Chemical Nanotechnology, I-Cannano's Fillers, putties, binders and powders, are completely water based and are highly durable, water repellent, UV resistant, fungus/algae/bateria resistant, and thermally insulating for the repair and making good all types of inner and exterior walls and other surfaces.
- Glass Coating
Transparent non polymeric coating for glass with high hydrophobicity, oleophobic, dust repellent properties. - Ceramic Coating (IPA Base)
Transparent non polymeric coating for ceramic surface high hydrophobicity, oleophobic, dust repellent, antibacterial properties. - Stone Coating (Water base, IPA Base)
Transparent non polymeric coating for stone surface with high hydrophobicity, oleophobic, dust repellent properties. - Anti Damp Coating
Transparent non polymeric coating for plaster walls with high hydrophobicity, dust repellent properties. - Leather Coating
Transparent non polymeric coating for leathers with antifungal property.

- Outstanding adhesion - the nano-particles self assemble and bond with the surface.
- Chemical bonding between nano particles and glass/wall/ceramic/leather surface provides very longlife.
- Improved visibility, repellency hydrophobicity and remains completely transparent.
- UV protection helps to prevent UV damage which is blocked by nano-particles density
- The anti-sticking technology prevents dirt from adhering to the surface, easy to clean and stain free.
- Surfaces become anti-corrosive and highly resistant to acidic and alkaline solutions.