Precise and controlled fabrication or assembly of atoms and molecules at nanometer (10-9m) dimensions, into novel materials and devices with unique properties.

Why Nano ???...
Electron transfer properties of macro-sized & nano-sized particles of the same material are different.
Led sulfide | Is an insulator | Becomes conductor |
Iron oxid | Band gap is 1.95 eV | Band gap is 3.1 eV |
Carbon | Electron emission at 2500 V | Electron emission at much lower voltage 2.5V |
Characteristics of emerging Nano Markets
- It is more of value chain
- Incremental value addition in almost every sector
- Will create, re-define & disrupt markets
- Whatever technology developed till decade back will happen in next 2-3 decades of 21st Century
- Nanotech wave is much bigger than Infotech wave
- Will usher an era of creative destruction
- “The next big thing, is really small”
- In near future we will see “Nano Divide”, like “Digital Divide”